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Register for My BGC EBS

Why register for access to My BGC EBS? Because you need good data to make good decisions. Go ahead and register and get access to our:

  • Real Time Marketplace which provides bids, offers, and trades for national, state and local markets.
  • Market price indices provide you with monthly price trends.
  • Market Bulletins let you know about proposed rules, hearings, workshops, and market events.
  • Market News is a streaming list of news stories that are topical to the environmental markets worldwide.
  • Greenhouse Gas Issue Tracking - Federal, State and Regional keeps you up to date on the latest developments in greenhouse gas regulation at the federal, state and regional levels.

If it's your first time accessing our site and you may trade through us, take a minute or two and fill out the form below. We will be back to your shortly. If you are already registered, login above.

Personal Information: (*All Fields are Required)

First Name:*
Last Name:*
Job Position :*
Company Name:*
Company URL:
Street Address:*
Street Address (2): 
Zip/Postal Code:*
Phone Number:*
Fax Number:

MyBGC-EBS Market Interests:

USA Compliance Markets: (Select no more than three)
Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR)
Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV)
Acid Rain Program (SO2) 
NOx Budget Trading Program (NOx SIP CALL)
Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR)
Regional Clean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM)
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
Houston Galveston Mass Emissions Cap and Trade
Ride Share Incentive Program (Rule 2202)
Mobile Source Emission Reduction Credits (MSERCs)
Los Angeles Area (SCAQMD) (ERCs)
San Joaquin Valley (ERCs)
San Diego (ERCs)
Bay Area (ERCs)
Sacramento (ERCs)
Northern California (ERCs)
Houston-Galveston (ERCs)
Lousiana (ERCs)
Northeast (ERCs)
Mid Atlantic (ERCs)
Southeast (ERCs)
Midwest (ERCs)
Renewable Portfolio Standards (Renewables)
Renewable Energy Credits for RPS compliance (RECs)
Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs)
Water Rights
Carbon Markets: (Select no more than three)
California - AB32/CAR
Voluntary Carbon Markets - US
Voluntary Carbon Markets - International
European Emission Trading Scheme - EU ETS
Clean Development Mechanism - CDM
Joint Implementation - JI
National Schemes - USA
National Schemes - Canada
National Schemes - Japan
National Schemes - New Zealand
Energy/Technology (Select one)
UK renewable energy 
Bio fuels
Non-compliance RECS

MyBGC-EBS Questionnaire: (All are required)

1. What is the purpose of your visits to our site? Max Characters:
2. What type of business do you work for?
3. How does the information in our site benefit your business? Max Characters:
4. How did you find our website? Max Characters:
If it was through a search engine, what was the search engine and what were the keywords that you used?
5. How do you plan to use the information that you access? Max Characters:
6. Will you be using this information to compete with BGC Partners?

7. Will the information you access directly or indirectly benefit any competitors of BGC Partners?

8. In what capacity do you intend to use the BGC EBS website?

My BGC EBS User Information (Email address will be your Username)

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